Nullish Coalescing in Javascript

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A Javascript operator that can be often overlooked is the Nullish Coalescing Operator represented as ??. In this article we will take a look at what it does and where it can be used.

It's fairly common to come across javascript code in which the OR operator || is used to set a default value for a variable as can be seen below.

const myGreeting = greeting || 'Hello!';

However, using the OR operator for this purpose can actually have unintended consequences as it will fall back to the default value whenever the variable evaluates to something falsy. Let's take a look at an example in which we are setting the default value for a number.

const myNumber = number || 12;

If number = 15 then the code above would evaluate such that myNumber = 15. If number = null then it will use the default resulting in myNumber = 12.

So far so good but what if we set number = 0 ? We'd run into trouble because although number has a value it's a value that when evaluated as boolean is equivalent to false so we'd wind up falling back to our default number = 12.

This is where the Nullish Coalescing Operator can come in very handy by switching out || for ?? we can guarantee the default value will only be used when number = null or number = undefined.

const myNumber = number ?? 12;